Fire Spirit Rempo
- Description:
- One of the 4 spirits, ruler of fire. Looks like a boy
with horns. Shackles bind both his arms, but that
doesn't stop him from running amuck. His temper flares
and cools quickly, and when mad, he'll rush [in] without
a second thought. Merciless against enemies but will
stand alongside his friends forever.
- Details:
- Temperment:
- Hot-headed/Loyal
- Hates wasting time and minding the small stuff.
- Spirit likes/dislikes:
- Doesn't get along with Neaki, and knows it
- Duty:
- Has the duty of bringing fire, passion, summer, vigor,
destruction, and invention to the new world
- Extra Info:
- Red Bookmark
- Tutors you in the begining of the game
- Meet by beginning the game (Defeat Imperial Knight)
- Restore by defeating the Fire Dragon Untamo
- Shackles bind both his arms and hands
- Regular statements:
- Yo!
- I'll tell you what you need to know!
- What's Up?
- Hey, you listening?
- Don't tell me you fell asleep.
- All right! You ready to do it now?
- It's the Table of Contents!
- This chapter is about (subject you tapped on)!
- You're interested in this stuff?
- What a bookworm ...
- Did that help some?
- zzz ...
- This is my page! Heh, heh ...
- This is Neaki's page.
She's as cold as ice!
- This is Mieli's page!
She's as relaxed as the forest!
- This is Ur's page!
He's as loud as thunder!
- This is your page!
- Here you can record our adventure.
- See ya.
- Should we change?
- Casting Spirit Magic:
- Alright! Ali Up Flame!
- Rempo: Hits ground with fire exploding in upward beams
- Rempo:
- Burn, prometheans! Burn!
- Fire lava swirling as he strikes the ground
- Yo! You gonna give 'em a blast? All right!, does action
- Promethean (An adherent of any form of Satanism)
- So he is burning them up, so that's a good phrase, lol
- The helmet of invincibility was given to Hades, which is fire
... so it would make sense that Rempo is burning up all the
promethean scum, lol
- Give up in a dungeon:
- You're giving up?
- Whaat?!
Love-related Cutscenes
Rempo/Love Scene/Basic
- You will see this playing as a girl or boy
Place: Home (Rhoan Town)
Time: Beginning of Chapter 11 (3800+ points)
Type: Rempo - Love Scene/Basic
Subject: Call Me Anytime
- Rest at home
- Rempo showed up at night/but light on
- Rempo: Boy, am I bushed! But congrats, Goldie, on making it
this far! You ended up saving me! I was worried there for a
moment, but now I trust you. I'll be relying on you. Don't
let me down, Goldie!
Choose: Same here
- Rempo: You can call me anytime.
'Cause that's what I'm here for.
- Unshackling Scene automatically starts
Choose: ... Sorry
- Rempo: Sheesh, what a spoilsport.
- Shows Rempo with a blank face.
- Screen flashes black and then it is
the next morning. You are alone in
your house.
Rempo/Love Scene/Boyfriend
- You will only see this if playing as a girl
Place: Home (Rhoan Town)
Time: Chapter 11/Post-game
Type: Rempo - Love Scene/Boyfriend
Subject: Staying Together
- Rest in bed at your house
- Rempo is in your house and he turns
his back towards you and then he turns around to you
- Rempo: Hey. You really got stronger! It's been so much
fun fighting alongside you! Listen! I ... I've been
thinking, I wish we could stay ... ... together like
Answer his feelings:
- I nod, yes
- Rempo: Heh heh heh. You have, too?
- Rempo: (voiced) Well, well, well. Looks like you and I
make a pretty good team don't cha think? Heh heh!
- He does crack me up, lol. Sorry for thinking you were
a girl in the beginning, lol.
- I nod, yes
- Screen goes white
- Goldie: I love you.
- Something happened ... That is one happy Rempo, lol
- Focuses on a close up of Rempo's face
- Screen goes white
- Automatically plays Additional Love Scene
... :
Rempo/Additional Love Scene/Boyfriend
- You will only see this if playing as a girl
Place: Sunny Hills
Time: Chapter 11/Post-game
Type: Rempo - Additional Love Scene/Boyfriend
Subject: Listen Close
- Automatically plays after Love Scene if Boyfriend
- Focuses on you laying sleeping on the grass
- Rempo: Hey, sleepyhead! How long you gonna sleep?
- There is a breeze blowing .... and Rempo is above me
- Rempo: You sure got lazy now that peace is back. But
what else can I expect?
- Now I am standing up and we are facing each other
- I shake my head, no
- Maybe he thinks sleeping is "small stuff" ... lol. I
guess it would be hard for a spirit to wait for a human
to sleep all the time, lol. Of course, if they love you
then they might enjoy watching you sleep, lol.
- Rempo: Huh? You feel you can relax because I'm here with
you? Heh. That's really something! Well, you can't help
feeling relaxed around a stud like me!
- lol, I love it!
- Focuses on me laughing
- Rempo: Hey? What are you laughing at?
- My face gets more serious
- Rempo: Huh? What, Goldie? How do I feel about you?
- Ok, this should have been answered before the escapade, lol.
- Rempo: Do I have to say it again?
- I guess it's just a girl's love check, lol. Gotta hear the
words ... more the better ... binds you together more, lol.
- Rempo: F-fine. If I have to. Now listen close.
- Rempo: (voiced) Yesss! I love you! (Screams it)
- Ouch! My ears, lol.
- Focuses on an overview of Rempo and I standing facing each
other on the grass
- Screen goes white and end of cutscene
Rempo/Unshackling Scene
- You will see this playing as a girl or boy
Place: Home (Rhoan Town)
Time: Beginning of Chapter 11 (Accept Love Scene/Basic)
Type: Rempo - Unshackling Time
Subject: Rempo gets Unshackled
- Triggers automatically after Love Scene/Basic
- Screen goes black, music changes, now you and Rempo are at
Sunny Hill together
- Rempo: Huh? This place ... It's where we first started!
What's going on?
- Rempo looks around and it focuses on the monolith
- Rempo: Hey! Look at that! What an immense power!
- Screen flashes black and then shows both of you walking up
to the monolith
- Rempo: What on earth is happening? Huh?! What?! There is a
flash of light and a beam sound. Rempo's shackles disappear.
Looks pretty good.
- Rempo: Ha ha! Look at me, Goldie! I'm free! I'm finally
free! All right! This is great! Now I can really unleash my
power out there! Thank you, Goldie! This is thanks to you
trusting me! And now it's time I repay your trust.
- You turn your head to the side while looking at Rempo
- Rempo: Relax! Don't Worry! I'll always be with you! Because
when we're together, I'm always on fire!
- Screen flashes black and you are back in front of your house.
Rempo/Boyfriend Question Scene
- You will only see this playing as a girl
Place: Sunny Hill
Time: Chapter 11/Post-game
Type: Rempo - Boyfriend Question Scene
Subject: Human Love
- Automatically plays after Unshackling Scene if requirement
are met
- Rempo and you are in front of the monolith
- Rempo: ... ... ... Hey, Goldie. I usually hate human girls,
but you're an exception. Being with you makes my chest burn.
- lol, no hair on that chest ...
- Is this the feeling humans call ... love?
- Yeah, or ... ouch!
- Rempo: It's pretty odd its between a human and a Spirit?
Still ... let me ask you something. Goldie, will you be my
- Rempo gets extremely happy
- Rempo: Woo hoo! I'm in Heaven!
Goldie! Our love'll burn like a flame forever!
- That is one happy dude, lol
- I do like Rempo, lol
- Screen flashes black and end of cutscene
... Sorry:
Rempo/Confession Scene
- You will only see this playing as a girl
Place: Home (Rhoan Town)
Time: Beginning of Chapter 11 (Accept Love Scene/Basic)
Type: Rempo - Confession Scene
Subject: I Love You
- Rest in bed at your house
- Blackness and you hear footsteps
- [???] Guess who?
- ... What's this voice?
Choose Name Right:
- [???] Eh heh heh ...
- Lights come on and Rempo is there
- Rempo (Voice): Yes!!! I love you!!!
- Rempo (Screen): I'm so in love, I could burn up!
- Screen flashes black. It is morning. You are
alone in your house by your bed.
Choose Name Wrong:
- [???] ...
- Lights come on and Rempo is there
- Rempo: ... Wrong.
- Rempo grimaces
- Screen flashes black and then it is
the next morning. You are alone in
your house.
Ice Spirit Neaki
- Description:
- One of the 4 spirits, ruler of ice. Looks like a fairy
girl with ice wings. Has shackles around her neck. She
can't speak, but when she opens her mouth, she only says
bitter things.
- Details:
- Temperment:
- Mean-spirited/Dependable
- She's cold-hearted, passive and usually pessimistic.
Her face is always devoid of expression except for a
cold stare. However, she defend that which she cares
- Spirit likes/dislikes:
- Mieli drives her crazy, but she doesn't hate her.
- Duty:
- Has the duty of bringing ice, cold, quiet, winter,
uncertainty, rest, and sadness to the new world.
- Extra Info:
- Blue Bookmark
- Meet by conquering Tornaq Ice Cavern Dungeon
- Restore by defeating Ice Dragon Malcahatu
- Shackles bind her neck. She talks by thought
and gasping breaths. When unshackled, she can
- Regular statements:
- (...)
- (Thinking of something ... ?)
- (I can't reach you ...)
- (What are you doing ... ?)
- (Finally. You're ready to go.)
- (...! You're finished ...?)
- (Table of Contents ...)
- (Subject you tapped on) ...
- (Hmph. Is that so ...)
- (You're quite a bookworm ...)
- (Is it that interesting ...?)
- (Did that teach you anything ...?)
- (zzz ...)
- (Rempo's page ...
(He's too hot-headed ...)
- (My page ...)
- (Mieli's page ...)
(Like a gentle breeze ...)
- (Ur's page ...)
(Big-headed ...)
- (Your page ...)
- (You can record the adventure ...)
- (Breathing noises)
- (Switch spirits ...?)
- Casting Spirit Magic:
- Come and Splash! Breath in Wind! ... just a guess, lol
- Neaki: shooting ice shards and ice cystals flakes swirling
- Neaki:
- Blow through ... Poseidon (blizzard!?/inprisoner?!)
- Crystal ice flakes swirling and large mass of ice spikes
- yes (giggle)..., You need our power ...?, (giggle), does action
- I know that Poseidon is correct but I can't get the end word.
- Give up in a dungeon:
- (...You're giving up?)
- Cry face symbol, short gasp
Love-related Cutscenes
Neaki/Love Scene/Basic
- If Neaki doesn't show up for the Love Scene/Basic,
then lower Mieli's points below 3800
- You can always raise Mieli's points later
- You will see this playing as a boy or girl
Place: Home/then Sunny Hill
Time: Beginning of Chapter 11 (3800+)
Type: Neaki - Love Scene/Basic
Subject: Staying Together
- Rest at home in your bed
- Lights go on
- Neaki is there talking to you
- Neaki: (...)
- You turn your head from side to side
- Neaki: (Thank you ... Goldie.)
- Close up on Neaki's face
(and neck brace, ouch, that looks painful)
- Neaki: (Let's always stay ... together.)
- Focuses on you
Of course!
- Close up on Neaki's face
- Neaki: (Voiced)(Could you possibly ... be the
one ... who will ... No, never mind ...)
- (Wow, that's a nice voice.)
- Automatically progresses onto Unshackling Scene
... Sorry
- Neaki flips to her side angrily
- Neaki: (...)
(Yeah, you don't want to know what she
is saying, lol)
- Screen flashes black and then it is
the next morning. You are alone in
your house.
Neaki/Love Scene/Girlfriend
- You will only see this playing as a boy
Neaki/Additional Love Scene/Girlfriend
- You will only see this playing as a boy
Neaki/Unshackling Scene
- You will see this playing as a boy or girl
Place: Home/then Sunny Hill
Time: Beginning of Chapter 11
Type: Neaki - Unshackling Scene
Subject: Neaki Gets Unshackled
- Automatically plays after Love Scene/Basic
- Neaki and you are facing each other talking at Sunny Hill
- Neaki: (? Where are we ...?) (Ah. this is where ... your
journey began.)
- Neaki turns and looks at the monolith and you both walk
over to it
- Neaki: (I've never felt ... such great power before ...)
- Camera zooms up Neaki's body
- Neaki: (This power ... is so warm ...)
- Bright light and beam sound
- Neaki is close up without her neck brace
(she looks good)
- Neaki: !! The shackles on my neck ... They're gone.
I can ... finally speak. ... I'd heard this long ago. Our
shackles bind us to the Book, but also are proof ...
... of the user's trust. When the trust is strong enough,
the chains come off. And our true power awakens. ... The
bond of trust between us is very strong.
- Neaki: (voiced) Whew, ... ... Thank you.
- Neaki: Th-Thank you, Goldie. It's all because of you.
- Neaki: I ... I just ... from now on ...
- Focuses on you smiling
- Neaki: (voiced) I want to be with you always and forever.
In this world, and the next.
(They should have made separate girl/guy Love Scenes/Basic
for the spirits ... this is a little uncomfortable, lol)
- Screen flashes black and you are in front of your house
Neaki/Girlfriend Question Scene
- You will only see this playing as a boy
- Auto-plays right after Unshackling Scene
- You and Neaki are in front of the monolith
- Neaki: ... ... ... Zytur. My whole body warms just seeing
you. I don't understand ... it's never happened before.
I just don't know ... ... what to do. Would you be ...
my boyfriend?
- Neaki: ! Ah, ... thank you, Vytur. Is this what they
call happiness ...? Teach me all sorts of things, Zytur.
- Screen flashes black and you are in front of your house
... Sorry:
Neaki/Confession Scene
- You will only see this playing as a boy
Forest Spirit Mieli
- Description:
- One of the 4 spirits, ruler of Forest. Looks like
a girl dressed in flowers. Shackles bind her legs
which she often forgets, causing her to trip. Sort
of the ditzy bimbo, she's spazzy, cute and has an
open and accepting heart. She always finds joy in
everything, and surprizes others when speaking her
- Details:
- Temperment:
- Kind/Impulsive
- Her actions may be interpreted as thoughtless and
- Spirit like/dislike:
- Has a tendency to go along with strong-willed people,
like Rempo
- Duty:
- Has the duty of bringing forests, wind, harmony,
conversation, Spring, love, life forces, and colors
to the new world
- Extra Info:
- Green Bookmark
- Meet by defeating Mutated Chimera
- Restore by defeating Forest Dragon Antelobibnen
- Shackles bind her ankles/feet
- Regular statements:
- You who!
- Do you need something?
I'll tell you anything.
- Hurry up!
- Hello? Are you listening?
- Oh no! Did you fall asleep?
- Good, You're ready to go?
- It's the Table of Contents!
- This chapter's about (subject tapped on)!
- You seem really interested in this.
- Is it really that fascinating to read?
- Did you learn something?
- My your such a good student!
- zzz ...
- This is Rempo's page!
He's always so excited!
- This is Neaki's page.
She's cool ... but kind!
- This is my page! Tee hee!
- This is Ur's page!
He knows a lot of stuff!
- This is your page!
- Here you can record our adventure.
- See ya
- Should we change?
- Casting Spirit Magic:
- Adjusting Prisms! ... just a guess, lol
- Mieli: vertical hypnotic green swirls
- (Giant?) punisher! Take that!
- Whirlwind with green forest leaves swirling inside
- You, who!, You want to show them our power?, (giggle), does action
- Give up in a dungeon:
- You're giving up?
- Whaat?!
Love-related Cutscenes
Mieli/Love Scene/Basic
- You will see this playing as a boy or girl
Place: Home/then Sunny Hill
Time: Beginning of Chapter 11 (3800+)
Type: Mieli - Love Scene/Basic
Subject: We Make A Good Team
- Rest at home in your bed
- Lights go on
- Mieli is there talking to you
- Mieli: Good work, Goldie!
- Mieli floats to the center of the room, back towards you
- Mieli: I'm so glad it worked out! I was so scared back there!
- She flips around to you
- Mieli: But you were there to save the day!
- She closes her eyes and opens them again
- Mieli: ... L-listen, Goldie? If I need it, will you save me?
Of Course!
- Hey, you and I make a pretty good team.
I'm so glad I get to work with you.
- Progresses to the Unshackling Scene
... Sorry
- You big meanie!
- Screen flashes black and then it is
the next morning. You are alone in
your house.
Mieli/Love Scene/Girlfriend
Mieli/Additional Love Scene/Girlfriend
Mieli/Unshackling Scene
- You will see this playing as a guy or girl
Place: Home/then Sunny Hill
Time: Beginning of Chapter 11 (Trigger Love Scene/Basic)
Type: Meili - Unshackling Scene
Subject: Meili Gets Unshackled
- Automatically plays after Love Scene/Basic
- Mieli and you are facing each other talking at Sunny Hill
- Huh? This place ... Isn't that where your adventure started?
Why are we here?
- Mieli turns and looks at the monolith. She then flies over
in front of it and turns around towards you
- Mieli: Oh, wow! Goldie! Come over here!
- I nod my head and walk over to her and the monolith
- Mieli: Look! I sense a lot of power! Eek! What's happening?!
- I turn to look at Mieli. Zooms up her ... legs ... to her head
(it's a good thing I'm a girl and it doesn't effect me)
(Who programmed this thing, lol)
(Now if it had been bare legs on Ur ....!)
- Mieli: Yaay! Goldie, look! They're finally off!
- Mieli: My shackles are off, and my power's swelling!
(must've been a guy programmer, lol)
- Mieli: (voiced) Wow! This feels great! Haa ... I feel light now.
- Mieli: Yes! I'm really powering up!
- Mieli: But why'd they come off now? What could've been the key?
It's because you and I get along so well together. I mean ...
- Mieli: (voiced) With you I feel as calm as the woods in the morning.
- Mieli: I feel as if I can tell you anything. Hee hee hee! Here's
to our future, Goldie!
- Screen flashes black and then you are in front of your house.
Mieli/Girlfriend Question Scene
- You will only see this playing as a boy
- Auto-plays right after Unshackling Scene
- You and Mieli are in front of the Monolith
- Mieli: ... ... ... Zytur? I mean what I said. My heart feels
so warm when we're together. I want to stay with you. I want
to see your face. I want to hear what you say. Oh, Zytur.
Would you be my boyfriend?
- Mieli: Yaay! I'm so happy! Zytur! Let's always be together
- Screen flashes black and you are in front of your house
... Sorry:
Mieli/Confession Scene
- You will only see this playing as a boy
Lightning Spirit Ur
- Description:
- One of the 4 spirits, ruler of lightning.
- Looks like a very calm young man.
- He accepted the shackles over his eyes because he can
now use his mind's eye.
- Serious and a fan of order, he acts as mediator for the
more wily Spirits.
- Likes to help others with the knowledge he's gained
around the world.
- Likes old languages and fables.
- However, his habit of preaching is his biggest flaw.
- History:
- Ur is a Light Elf (Ljósálfar)/(Vanyar/Vanir)
- Vanyar elves have blond hair and very fair ivory skin
- Vanyar are the fairest and most noble of the High Elves
- Ur is a spirit which also puts him higher up into the
original ancient pure Light Elf category.
- Ancient Light Elves hail from Álfheim in heaven and connect
with the gods (a place just under the gods in heaven/nearest
to the gods in heaven)(Alfheim/Elphame/Elfenland/Eldamar)
- Light Elves are one of the most ancient records of elves
- They are "fairer to look upon than the sun" as written by
the 12th century eddic prose Gylfaginning by Snorri Sturluson
- They are known for being pure, moral, and committed which
differentiates them from elves who live on Earth
- Light Elves are immortal and don't sleep
- Light Elves can manifest a physical form of themselves
when needed and will do so mostly to gain knowledge (Astyrhim)
- They are also known to be highly intelligent and spiritual and
have the ablility of future sight. This is Ur's ability and
why he has shackles on his eyes.
- His eyes are two different colors signifying the ancient
mark of a truly pure and unique spirit.
- Ur is also associated with the mythology of Zeus and Thor
which is where his lightning abilities come from.
- Details:
- Temperment:
- Calm/Intelligent
- He's got a sensitive side, and once something moves him,
he'll stick with it relentlessly.
- He shifts between still and moving.
- Spirit likes/dislikes:
- Leads the other spirits
- Duty:
- Will bring lightning, light, wisdom, Fall, change,
and calamity to the new world
- Extra Info:
- Yellow Bookmark
- Meet Ur by conquering the Site of Cyril Dungeon
- Restore Ur by defeating Lightning Dragon Perkele
- Shackles bind his eyes. When his eye shackle is
removed his eyes will be revealed (one red, one
blue/the ancient mark of a truly rare spirit)
- Regular statements:
- Something the matter?
- I'll teach you anything you need.
- No getting lost.
- Are you listening to me?
- You didn't fall asleep, did you?
- Yawn, how terribly rude of me ...
- It's the table of contents!
- This chapter is about (subject you tapped on)!
- I'll teach you anything you need.
- You seem really interested in this.
- You're a good student. Splendid.
- It is really that fascinating?
- Did it come in Handy?
- Did you get an idea?
- zzz ...
- This is Rempo's page.
Sometimes I envy his spirit ...
- This is Neaki's page.
Her heart's as clear as ice.
- This is Mieli's page.
Her heart's as big as the forest.
- This is my page.
I rule over Lightning.
- This is your page!
- Here you can record our adventure.
- Congratulations! This page's
value is really high!
Good luck with the rest!
- Later then
- Should we change?
- Give up in a dungeon:
- You're giving up?
- I can't condone this!
- Casting Spirit Magic:
- Lightning! Super Lightning!
- Ur: yellow spark balls with multiple lightning strikes
- Strike! Zeus Rampage!
- Zeus is power of the thunderbolt
- Creates purple electrical ball from chest, throws it in the air
and down hitting the ground and purple beams shoot upward. There
are subtle glowing purple spots in the background (like fireflys!)
- Something the matter?, Shall we show them our power?, Good idea!
New World Statements/Ur:
- The Dawn is breath-taking!
- I can't begin to describe it!
- Seeing it with these eyes makes me feel it in my heart.
- Goldie, I'm sure you know this, but this is not the finish line.
- It's only the beginning. We have much work to do.
- The people are full of hope.
- You really just are the person I thought you were, Goldie.
- You used the Book of Prophecy and led the people well.
- Goldie ...What a marvelous world!
Love-related Cutscenes
Ur/Love Scene/Basic
- You will see this playing as a girl or boy
- If Ur does not show up then make sure that
neither Rempo or Duran is showing up/cycling
- He can also change at any time who he will
and won't cycle nights with
Place: Home (Rhoan Town)
Time: Beginning of Chapter 11 (3800+ points)
Type: Ur - Love Scene/Basic
Subject: Deep Bonds
- Rest in bed at your house
- Ur: You've defeated almost all the evil-doers.
Well done, Goldie.
- Ur: Our bond's deepened a lot.
I treasure our teamwork.
- Room spins briefly
- Focuses in on me
Choose: Me, too!
- Focuses in on Ur
- Ur: I'm very pleased with your progress.
I must say you're absolutely glowing with radiance.
- Unshackling Scene automatically starts
Choose: ... Sorry
- Ur: Is that so?
- Stays focused on me
- Screen flashes black and then it is
the next morning. You are alone in
your house.
Ur/Love Scene/Boyfriend
Place: Home (Rhoan Town)
Time: Post-game
Type: Ur - Love Scene/Boyfriend
Subject: I Love You
- Rest in bed at your house
- Shows close up of you walking in your house from the
right side to the left side
- You meet Ur who is already in your house
- Ur: Goldie.
- Ur: You've done well to get this far. You've overcome
many trials ... and are more reliable than ever.
Answer his feelings:
- I nod, yes
- Ur: Heh heh heh.
- Ur: Nothing in the world makes me happier than knowing in
my heart that you'd always need me. (Voiced!)
- Semi close up of Ur
- Screen goes white and you say to Ur, "I love you."
- Screen focuses on a close up view of Ur's face
- Automatically plays Find True Value cutscene/Additional Love Scene
... :
- You get an "I'm so sorry" look on your face
- Ur: Don't make that face.
- Ur's face is a little sad
- Ur: I just wanted to say that I believed in you.
- Black screen/end
Ur/Additional Love Scene/Boyfriend
- You will only see this playing as a girl
Place: Sunny Hill
Time: Post-game
Type: Ur - Additional Love Scene/Boyfriend
Subject: Find True Value
- You and Ur are standing on Sunny Hill together looking
out over the scenery
- Ur: Goldie, your adventure to create the world is soon over.
- Ahh ...! Nooooo! There I go blithering again, lol.
- He turns to me
- Ur: Did you find valuable things to preserve for the next world?
- Yes, and I am keeping you forever!
- Scene focuses on me and ... most of Ur. Ok, who's the person who
let Ur's head get chopped off in the scene, lol. But I still like
the rest of him ...
- Ur: You were able to see so much by traveling the world.
- Camera pans up him ..... yeah ... think good pure .... Now I can
see those gorgeous eyes, face and perfect elf ears, lol
- Ur: The wonder of life, tragedy of war, sadness, hope, trust, love ...
- Oh, I like seeing you out in nature with the sky around us ...
- Camera pans facing Ur's left side ... oh, oh, that's a good lookin'
Ur ... freeze frame that puppy .....
- I promise I'm listening Ur, lol
- Ur: There's still much more to see! Not everything can end so prettily.
There is a dark side to everything. I want you to find the true value
in everything.
- Close up of Ur against the blue sky ...
- I know well, ... but I'm taking you with me always!
- Ur: Now, let's go. The goal is close at hand!
- Shows overhead view of Ur and I and it is spinning
- Ur: Creation of the new world. The journey is soon over.
- Ur: But there's one last thing I must tell you.
- Music stops
- I turn to Ur
- Ur: You know, you're more to me than just a student. (voiced)
- I should hope so, lol
- Ur: Huh? You don't understand? Are you trying ... to make me feel
silly? You're quite the handful.
- Ur: It means ... that I love you.
- Cutscene to the most perfect view of Ur yet ....!!! And against
the mountains and the sky .... I'm so gone .... lol!
- Ur: I may be a little confused, but these feelings are true.
- Fade as angelic light encompases him ... oh ... yeah!
- End cutscene
Ur/Unshackling Scene
- You will see this playing as a girl or boy
Place: Home (Rhoan Town)
Time: Beginning of Chapter 11 (Accept Love Scene/Basic)
Type: Ur - Unshackling Time
Subject: Ur gets Unshackled
- Triggers Automatically after Love Scene/Basic
- You are at Sunny Hill facing each other
- Ur: Huh? What's this place? I see. It's where you started
your adventure, right? What is this?
I sense a great power ...
- Ur turns towards the monolith
- Ur: Goldie, look over there.
- Focuses in on the monolith
- Ur: Let's check it out.
- Screen flashes black and then shows Ur and you walking
over in front of the monolith
- Ur: What on earth is this ...?
- Ur: !!
- You face towards Ur as it zooms from Ur's feet up
to his head
- Ur: What great power. This power is ...
- There is a bright light and Ur is unshackled and looking
close up at me
- Ur has one beautiful blue eye and one gorgeous red eye
- Ur: The shackles on my eyes!
- Ur: Goldie, I can see again! I can see you! And I can see the
world! It's so bright here. And so nostalgic ...
- Ur: Hmm, so my seal's finally been broken. Excellent. I can't
thank you enough for that.
- I turn my head to the side looking at him
- Ur: Parts of our spirit bodies were sealed with shackles. These
shackles were made to block our powers. Meaning, we couldn't use
our true powers with them. Only one thing could remove them. Do
you understand, Goldie?
- I turn my head to the side looking at him
- It's the bond called trust. You understand, right? Now a strong
bond is between us, Goldie. Recognizing that bond is what removed
my chains. It's all thanks to you, Goldie. Thank you so much!
- I shake my head, no
- Ur: ! Heh heh. You're right. It takes two to build trust. This is
wonderful, Goldie. Never forget yourself.
- I smile joyously
- Ur: I've never greeted a new world with these feelings before.
I'm truly amazed.
- Ur: I wish to stay with you even in the new world, I promise.
- Screen flashes black and you are in front of your house
Ur/Boyfriend Question Scene
- You will only see this playing as a girl
Place: Sunny Hill
Time: Chapter 11
Type: Ur - Boyfriend Question Scene
Subject: Eternal Love (aka: Goldie's in deep)
- Automatically plays after the Unshackling Scene if you
have all requirements met
- Ur and I are in front of the monolith
- Ur: ... ... ... Goldie. I've seen much of the world with
these eyes. But I've never found a girl as special as you.
- Ur: What is it about you that I can't get enough of?
- I don't know but I'm wondering the same thing about you.
I dang sure can't get enough of you ... you drive me wild.
- Ur: You're capable, smart, strong. But it's none of those
things. I feel something different.
- You're one of a kind Ur and no one could replace you.
- Ur: It's been on my mind but I can't figure it out.
- You are constantly on my mind Ur and flustering me all the
time. It's made this guide one of kind too, lol. Can I keep
you Ur?
- Ur: That's why I must ask you frankly.
- Oh, yes ... be direct while still giving me a choice ...
I like that!
- Ur: Goldie, would you be my girlfriend?
- Oh, yes, yes, yes! And in this game ... that's pretty much
the same as marriage ... and I will keep you forever! And
we will be lovers and partners forever, through the good
and the bad times. We will grow together and learn together
and be together always. ... And I think I just virtual
married you, lol.
- Ur: Thank you! Oh, thank you!
- Soooo flipping gorgeous!!! Every part of you including
your beautiful pure soul and your will to always do good.
- Ur: Now I can watch over you more closely!
- Yes, I'm independent, but you don't have to worry. I will
stick close by your side and be as submissive as you want.
I trust you and I love you forever! ... My Light Lord!
- Ur: And I won't let you out of my sight!
- Yes, please protect me as I submit to you and let my guard
down. And don't let any Demon Lords get me, lol.
- Ur: The promise between us is stronger than anything.
- I like our promise and I will always keep it throughout
all eternity! We will create beautiful worlds together!
- Ur: It's truly brilliant.
- Yes it is. And you satisfy my mind, my body, my soul,
everything. And I can't get enough of you. And I love you!
- Screen flashes black and then onto the Confession Scene
- And if you're thinking I've gone off the deep end ... then
you're not the only one, lol. But it's ok, my guys will pull
me back up from the virtual brink, lol. I can't stay in
virtual land forever. I just still can't believe a virtual
game finally got me, lol. I'll be back sane again, soon, lol.
... Sorry:
- Find out on your own! lol
- No way I'm rejecting Ur!
Ur/Confession Scene
- You will only see this playing as a girl
- There may be more conditions to get Ur's
Confession Scene
- Even with high points (5000+ points
towards the hidden 6000 end), Ur
sometimes doesn't show up or disappears
- He only needs 3800+ points plus his
requirements met
- If Ur does not show up then make sure that
neither Rempo or Duran is showing up/cycling
- He can also change at any time who he will
and won't cycle nights with
- Anwar's return is not a prerequisite.
Place: Home (Rhoan Town)
Time: Beginning of Chapter 11 (Accept Love Scene/Basic)
Type: Ur - Confession Scene
Subject: I Love You
- Rest in bed at your house
- Blackness and you hear footsteps
- [???] Guess who!
- ... What's this voice?
Choose Right Name:
- [???] Eh heh heh heh.
- Lights come on and Ur is standing there
- Ur: I love you!
- Screen goes black. It is now the next morning and
you are alone standing by your bed in your house.
Choose Wrong Name:
- [???] ...
- Lights go on and Ur is standing there
- Ur: You're wrong.
- Ur has a hurt betrayed look on his face
- Screen goes black. It is now the next morning and
you are alone standing by your bed in your house.